Affective Education




Third Trimester
Kids from 2nd to 6th Grade

During this Semester we will be working the following topics in our Affective Education classes:
  • Sexual Education
  • Life skills: career awareness,
  • Social skills: communication, honesty, justice, working and helping others.
  • Personal Goals: discipline.


Second Trimester
Kids from 2nd to 6th Grade

During this Semester we will be working the following topics in our Affective Education classes:
·      Social skills: Interpersonal Relationships, Friendship, Feelings, Solidarity.
·       Personal Goals: Punctuality, Discipline.
·       Anger Management.
·       Conflict Resolution
Some listening skills

You are

  • You complete your chores at home without being constantly reminded.
  • You take good care of your personal possessions.
  • You come home on time.
  • You call your parents if you are late.
  •  You eat healthy food, get plenty of exercise, and take good care of yourself.
  • You take care of your lunch money and don't lose it on the playground.
  • You keep a promise.
  • You put part of your allowance into a savings account instead of spending it all.
  • You complete your school assignments on time and to the best of your ability.
  • You take care of your pet.
  • You return library books on time.
  • You understand and accept consequences for your actions and try to correct your mistake.
  • You complete assignments and tasks.
  • You clean up after yourself.
  • You do the "right thing" and apologize if wrong.
  • You help others in need.
  • You follow through without giving up.
  • You understand the effect you have on others.


A little bit of teamwork ...




Just with the help of a kiwi students learned that people should not be judged by their skin, religion, background, ethnicity, etc. 

They learned that we should not judge someone by the outside because it's what's on the inside that counts!!!


You are 1 of a kind!!! You are Unique!!!




Self-esteem is how you evaluate yourself. It refers to the negative, positive or neutral self-concept you have. This evaluation determines how you will feel about yourself. How you feel about yourself determines the level of your self-esteem.

Self-esteem and identity are linked together. When you evaluate positively your identity, you feel better, and you have higher or more positive self-esteem. When you put a negative judgment on your identity, your self-esteem goes down.

Negative identity value judgment —> Low self esteem
Positive identity value judgment —> High self esteem


IDENTITY means being the same person you were yesterday or five years ago, it also means being different from someone else. 

Identity includes our values, goals, likes-dislikes, passions, how we relate to others, our achievements, abilities, and mistakes, it also includes our body image, how do we see our own bodies. It contains our hopes and dreams, our style of clothing, and the choices we make in everyday life. 


Kids from 2nd to 6th Grade

During this Semester we will be working the following topics in our Affective Education classes:
·       Identity and Self-Esteem.
·       Skills, attitudes and knowledge to learn effectively.
·       Strategies to achieve success in school.
·       Anti-bullying.
       ·  Tolerance and Respect.