Thursday, February 14, 2013

Many Types of Responsibilities:

  • MORAL RESPONSIBILITY to other people, animals, and the earth. This means caring, defending, helping, building, protecting, preserving, and sustaining. You're accountable for treating other people justly and fairly, for honoring other living things, and for being environmentally aware.
  • LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY to the laws and ordinances of your community and country. If there's a law you believe is outdated, discriminatory, or unfair, you can work to change, improve, or eliminate it. You can't simply decide to disobey it.
  • FAMILY RESPONSIBILITY means treating your parents, siblings, and other relatives with love and respect, following your parents' rules, and doing chores and duties at home.
  • COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITY. As a part of the community, you're responsible for treating others as you want to be treated, for participating in community activities and decisions, and for being an active, contributing citizen. Pick up trash to keep the community clean. Read local and community newspapers to stay informed. Vote in elections when you're old enough.
  • RESPONSIBILITY TO CUSTOMS, TRADITIONS, BELIEFS, AND RULES. These might come from your family, your community, your heritage, or your faith. Learn what they are and do your best to respect and follow them.
  • PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. It's up to you to become a person of good character. Your parents, teachers, religious leaders, scout leaders, and other caring adults will guide you, but only you can determine the kind of person you are and ultimately become. So get organized, be punctual, and honor your commitments.

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